Make Friends at Work

Shaka Communities

Having workplace communities helps employees feel like they belong. High belonging scores result in a 56% increase in job performance and a 75% reduction in sick days.

Create or Join a Community.
Shaka Communities allows employees to organize resource groups or interest groups amongst employees.
Plan and Interact.
Members can post events, create discussion boards and make announcements.
Grow Friendships at Work.
Many employees are looking for ways to build friendships within their organization. Communities help them connect with likeminded individuals

Try Shaka for Free!

Why wait to jump in? Shaka takes less than 15 minutes to set up for your entire workspace. Get Rocking and Shaka-ing with our 30-day free trial!


Examples of Communities

Here are some of the fun communities we have seen be created within Shaka!

Book Clubs
A group for employees who enjoy reading and discussing books, fostering a love for literature and intellectual engagement.
Working Parents Networks
A support network for employees who are parents, providing resources and a community to navigate the challenges of balancing work and family life.
Culture Committees
Committees dedicated to promoting and celebrating diversity, inclusion, and cultural awareness within the organization.
Sports Team Fan Clubs
Clubs for employees who are passionate about sports, providing a space to connect, share their enthusiasm, and engage in friendly competition.
Cooking Groups
Groups for employees who are interested in cooking and culinary arts, exchanging recipes, tips, and organizing cooking-related activities.
Women in the Workplace
A group that advocates for the advancement and empowerment of women in the workplace through mentorship and professional development opportunities.